Finite Element Analysis is a simulation technique which evaluates the behavior of components, equipment and structures for various loading conditions including applied forces, pressures and temperatures. Thus, a complex engineering problem with non-standard shape and geometry can be solved using finite element analysis where a closed form solution is not available. The finite element analysis methods result in the stress distribution, displacements and reaction loads at supports etc. for the model. Finite element analysis techniques can be used for a number of scenarios e.g. Design optimization, material weight minimization, shape optimization, code compliance etc.
Pressure Equipment Engineering Services, Inc. performs finite element analysis using state of the art software ANSYS. PEESI has the expertise to perform finite element analysis for equipment and components used in refineries, chemical plants, power plants, pharmaceutical plants, food processing plants, nuclear plants and other processing facilities. PEESI also has the capability to perform FEA for aircraft components, automotive components, engine components and other mechanical / structural components. The design for various components is checked for compliance against the ASME Code or other appropriate code. Finite Element Analysis is performed for both design and analysis / evaluation situations. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional FEA problems are addressed for structural, thermal, and thermal stress evaluations. PEESI has the capability to solve both linear and non-linear problems. Some of the expertise of PEESI in the area of finite element analysis are listed as follows:
- 3-dimensionalstructural analysis using Finite Element modeling for thin shells and shell structures (using shell elements where D/t ratios are relatively large) e.g. pressure vessels, tanks and associated nozzles etc. The loadings could include combinations of pressure, temperature distribution, externally applied concentrated and distributed loads.
- 3-dimensional thermal analysis (steady state thermal analysis, transient thermal analysis and thermal stress analysis) using Finite Element modeling for thin shells and shell structures (using shell elements where D/t ratios are relatively large) e.g. pressure vessels, tanks and associated nozzles etc.
- 3-dimensionalstructural analysis using Finite Elements modeling for solid structures (using brick and tetrahedral elements where D/t ratios are relatively small) e.g. tubesheets, flanges, solid shafts, turbine and compressor components etc. The loadings could include combinations of pressure, temperature distribution, externally applied concentrated and distributed loads.
- 3-dimensionalthermal analysis (steady state thermal analysis, transient thermal analysis and thermal stress analysis) using Finite Elements modeling for solid structures (using brick and tetrahedral elements where D/t ratios are relatively small) e.g. tubesheets, flanges, solid shafts, turbine and compressor components etc.
- 2-dimensional axi-symmetric structural analysis using Finite Element modeling for thin shells and shell structures (e.g. pressure vessels, tanks etc.) and for solid structures (e.g. tubesheets, flanges, solid shafts and other rotationally symmetric components etc.).
- 2-dimensional axi-symmetric thermal analysis (steady state thermal analysis, transient thermal analysis and thermal stress analysis) using Finite Element modeling for thin shells and shell structures (e.g. pressure vessels, tanks etc.) and for solid structures (e.g. tubesheets, flanges, solid shafts and other rotationally symmetric components etc.).
- Non-linear structural analysis (using FEA software) for geometric nonlinearities and material nonlinearities. This includes Contact analysis incorporating gaps in the structures.
- Modal analysis, Buckling analysis (non-linear buckling analysis and eigenvalue buckling analysis) using FEA techniques and FEA software.
- Finite Elements Analysis for all above situations is performed using the state of the art software “ANSYS”.
Here are some examples of Finite Element Analysis performed by Pressure Equipment Engineering Services, Inc.